Our office is open for scheduled appointments only. Documents can be mailed, placed in the yellow drop box at the front of our building or e-mailed to nhogan@oswegony.org. If you are submitting an application we must have the original, we cannot accept e-mailed or faxed applications at this time. If you wish to schedule an appointment, please call 315-343-3452, leave one voicemail and a staff member will return the call to schedule an appointment

FSS Program


Families selected to participate in the Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) program must meet the general eligibility criteria of the Public Housing and Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. They are assigned a family advocate who helps them target specific goals for success and plan strategies to reach them.FSS participants qualify for substantial assistance in getting services like child care, education, job training, transportation, parenting skills and health care.


During each family's period of FSS participation the Rental Assistance Program sets up an escrow account for them. As each family’s earning power and wages grow, the family's share of rent under the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program goes up. Instead of the family “losing that money”, the Rental Assistance Program credits the family's increased portion of rent to their escrow account every month.The money in these escrow accounts is presented to each participating family when they complete their period of Family Self Sufficiency participation.


Since the Rental Assistance Program began its Family Self Sufficiency program, we have dispersed over $100,000 to our Family Self Sufficiency graduates from their Family Self Sufficiency escrow accounts. This money can be used by the grads any way they choose, but many have made down payments on their first homes, bought a car or invested in job advancement.

INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE? Contact our office to arrange for an intake interview!


                                   The new state of the art Inspire Center opened on September 5, 2019 to assist program                                               participants in job search, placement and retention. In addition, workshops are offered in the  
                                   Center center around career awareness, financial management and life skills. The goal of the                                         Center is to inspire program participants to work towards independence from the                                                           government based subsidy programs.

The Inspire Center offers 4 computer workstations, fax, printer, copier and other resources. The inspire Center is open daily and during certain evening hours. Check with the Office for specific hours and workshops being offered!

FSS Needs Assessment Survey

You may email your completed survey to missieh@oswegony.org

**NEWS: City of Oswego Rental Assistant Program Awarded Renewal Funding for Family Self-Sufficiency Program**