Our office is open for scheduled appointments only. Documents can be mailed, placed in the yellow drop box at the front of our building or e-mailed to nhogan@oswegony.org. If you are submitting an application we must have the original, we cannot accept e-mailed or faxed applications at this time. If you wish to schedule an appointment, please call 315-343-3452, leave one voicemail and a staff member will return the call to schedule an appointment



Housing Choice Voucher Program

The HCV PROGRAM (SECTION 8) allows low income citizens to find their own places to rent in Oswego
Voucher holders are free to choose any rental that meets minimum health and safety standards where the landlord is willing to participate in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. Once a family finds a home that they wish to rent, our program must inspect it to make sure that it meets HUD's housing quality standards in addition to local standards enforced by the City of Oswego. We also check to make sure that the rents are reasonable and within the fair market rent range for Oswego. Households assisted through the HCV Program pay 30% of their income toward the rent. The Program pays private landlords the difference between what participating households pay and the rent for the units. Through this program, over 450 Oswego households receive rental assistance.  


Click here for Application

Click here to learn more about eligibility